

Photographer & Local Film GuyGrand Rapids, MI

Film Development

Get your film developed faster and cheaper than most other options out there. Just reach out either via email or social media and let me know you want to drop off some film.

Development and scanning usually takes just a few days. You'll be able to download your scans from a link I send you. And we can arrange a time for you to pick up your negatives.


I offer B&W and color film development services for 35mm and 120 film. I develop color film using standard C-41 processing, ECN2, and B&W film using Ilford DDX or Rodinal.

There's a final rinse of photo-flo to help prevent water spots. Then the negatives are hung up to air dry.

Once dry, I slice the negatives into roughly 6 frame strips and either bundle them with an envelope or, if desired, put them in archival sleeves that can be stored in a 3-ring binder.

Push/pull processing is available. Let me know if that's what you want.

Disposable Cameras

I also develop disposable cameras. If you have a disposable camera standard price of development for 35mm film applies.

Scanning & Processing

I do DSLR scanning of negatives where a digital camera on a copy stand is used to photograph the negatives. This allows for high resolution scans quickly.

Scans are processed to balance the color and contrast of photos. We can also discuss additional processing if you have a specific look in mind or need more advanced editing.

Example Scan


Water Friendly

I take care to minimize water waste while keeping image quality. Even chemicals deemed safe for dumping down the drain I dispose of properly to help protect our water.


  • Faster Turnaround
  • Cheaper Prices
  • High quality development & scans
  • Water friendly
  • Local

Development Prices

Film SizeTypeProcessPrice Per Roll
35mmB&WIlford DDX$12
120B&WIlford DDX$15

Archival Sleeves - $5/ea

Scanning & Processing Prices

35mmHigh Res$10
120High Res$10

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